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Fridays and A Socca Revisit

February 11, 2011

I love Fridays. Fridays mean I only have to work until 2:40. Fridays mean I go to Trader Joe’s and buy copious amounts of things that are always in my pantry. Don’t tell my husband. Oh wait, he knows. (Why do I buy almond and peanut butter like it is going out of style?) Fridays [...]

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Pumpkin Socca Time!

February 3, 2011

There was a lot of buzz over the Oprah episode the past two days. A bunch of bloggers (including myself) were pretty fired up about it. I really hope at the very least it does get people thinking about where their food comes from. ANYWAY… Yesterday I starter my day with piloxing and ended it [...]

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Calling an audible

November 7, 2010

Danny came up with the title of this post. I had to ask him to explain it about ten times before I actually liked the idea. I still may have no idea why, but it means to change it up…like in football*….or so he tells me. *I had baseball written….he had to correct me again. [...]

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Quinoa Bread and 9 miles!

September 19, 2010

Ouch. My knees hurt. We did 9 miles this morning and quite successfully I may add, but now I am a bit sore. I’m going to ice my knees after I eat some dinner, but I figured I’d blog first. My knees have been achy on and off throughout my running. They hold up well [...]

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