Good morning and happy Thursday!
Some snafus going on over here regarding Pure Bliss Eats, but we’re working through them. It’s a long story, but I know whatever happens will make our company better in the end. (It’s more an ingredient issue, so nothing too major; I’ll be able to reveal more to you later.) I know that I’ve been open about this journey and I want to make sure you know it’s not all rainbows. Yesterday was an extremely frustrating day and we still don’t have a solution, but I’m confident by the end of the day we will. I knew we were going to encounter bumps along the road and it’s been pretty smooth so far, so this was kind of bound to happen.
Anyways, I’m keeping perspective. I have to be honest and tell you that I have an amazing team supporting and surrounding me. I am so grateful for what they bring to the table. Before I get to work testing new ingredients today, I’m enjoying a cup of (half caf) coffee, breakfast and a run….not to mention a pep talk from my sister!
What else is helping me keep perspective? Our 20 (almost 21) week check up today! (HALFWAY!!) We go for baby’s scan today to make sure all her/his organs are growing properly. We aren’t finding out if baby is a boy or girl so hopefully no one slips and tells us!
What’s new this week?
My belly is GROWING! It’s funny because for the past few weeks I feel so normal and myself that I don’t expect to look in the mirror and see this baby bump. I’m also feeling lots of kicks. Danny has felt baby once, but that’s it. I feel baby all the time now and it’s fun to wake up and go to sleep to.
Clothes: I bought 2 tops from Gilt Groupe. They were having an awesome maternity sale of a bunch of different designers. It’s many of the same things you see at A Pea in a Pod, but for a fraction of the price. Love Gilt. I’ve also been wearing a bunch of dresses (when it’s actually warm enough!!)
Sleep: No complaints. I have been tired, but I’ve been putting in LONG hours. I get up once during the night to use the bathroom, but I usually fall back asleep pretty quick. I fall asleep on the couch anywhere between 8:30 and 9:30 and basically fall right into a deep sleep. Then I wake up in a drunken like state and have to make it up to bed.
Food: Food has been tough this week. I’ve fallen a little bit back into the place where I don’t want anything but am hungry. Yesterday I ate 2 egg wraps, one for breakfast, one for lunch. I’m way more interested in cooked veggies than raw this week too. It’s so strange but I’m trying to just go with it. I’m still eating well and healthy, but I’m just not sure what I want.
Exercise: Going well. I started doing Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones for a full body weights workout. I use an exercise ball (that I just bought) for exercises laying on my back. I’m still running between 3-5 miles. I have to pee pretty much 10 minutes into my run, but it goes away once I get into a groove. I am loving running, but let me just be clear I walk as much as I need to. Sometimes it’s 10 minutes broken up, sometimes it’s more. Yesterday I did a very easy elliptical workout and some weights.
Names: Yes we have names! We have 2 girl names picked out and 1 boy name. I’ve had these girl names picked out for about 4 years and the boy name for about 2. (Is that weird?) We’re not sharing with anyone…not even my sister.
Overall thoughts: I still can’t believe there is this little baby growing inside my belly. It’s getting more real because I feel the kicks, but somehow it’s still so surreal. I have this overwhelming constant feeling of gratitude that I don’t think will ever go away. It’s for the baby, my husband, family, friends and just everyone. I’m so grateful for the life I have and don’t take any second for granted. I wonder if strangers can tell I’m pregnant. I know it depends on what I’m wearing at this point, but I think it’s pretty obvious. I also probably should start on reading some books. I read babble and birth stories often, but as for regular books, not so much.
This was a long post. Sorry for all the rambles!
I’m off to do some work and get out for a run! Enjoy the day!

{ 21 comments… read them below or add one }
I can not believe how decisive you are with the names!!
We *barely* named ours!
Miz recently posted..Question: Praying for what we dont want!
we almost didn’t have a name for the captain, either. The Peanut was named for eons, but the captain? not even close.
Cat @ Breakfast to Bed recently posted..Bitching On Social Media
I remember when a stranger first held the foot open fur me because I was pregnant! I was so happy. Pregnancy is the BEST!
I knew my Lily was going to be Lily when I was 4 years old. It’s not weird. It’s love.
DOOR open FOR me. Stupid phone.
Oh my gosh, you couldn’t be any cuter!!! Having names picked out in advance, even years, is not weird at all. We thought we had names ready well in advance, but when we decided to get pregnant, they changed. Jay is named after my father-in-law and Max’s middle name is the same as Tony’s uncle that died in Vietnam. We had girl names picked out too, but we are a boy family here.
I hope you get things figured out with the company soon! I am spending the day with Tony trying to figure out my own business plan today. We are kind of all over the place and that makes me not so productive. So, today is a focus day. I hope you have a great appointment and I can’t wait to hear how the little one is growing!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) recently posted..Gluten Free and Dairy Free Cinnamon Roll Attempt…
Girl you are looking so amazing! On top of that you have an incredible attitude and so full of perspective. Grateful is definitely a word I would use to describe motherhood

Madeline @ Food Fitness and Family recently posted..Post Baby Body: 8 Months
Your bump is adorable
hope you get everything workout out soon! and you are too cute!!
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean recently posted..Whole Wheat Banana Crunch Pancakes
you’re seriously just the cutest thing ever! i LOVE following this journey, as well as your other ones

Carlyn recently posted..Just Keep…RUNNING!?
So happy for you !
so happy for you!
I know very little about pregnancy, but I think you look amazing! It sounds like you are doing such a good job taking care of yourself, your body, and baby! WAY TO GO! I hope I can rock pregnancy half as well as you one day! xox
Krysten Siba Bishop (@darwinianfail) recently posted..How my love affair with running began
I hope everything works out!
Amanda @HappyMotherRunner recently posted..Reebok RealFlex Rock My WORLD!
This post just put a BIG smile on my face…you r going to be such a great mom! It’s surreal for me too…I have pixs of u in my front yard when I brought the twins home and now they r 19! Sorry I didn’t get to call u bk…it’s been nuts as usual around here! Lunch?
Names are always the best part… so many things to consider. Wishing continued success in the pregnancy.
PavementRunner recently posted..Playlist Thursday: Remember Videos?
You look so cute!
Smart move on keeping the names secret! Everyone has an opinion even if it’s a bad one AND they let you know it!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..My Fitness Bucket List
You are adorable!!! And love that you have names, I have names thought of in my mind already, so no worries there

thinking of you!!!
Pure2raw twins recently posted..recipe inspirations
You’re so adorable!!! I think it’s awesome you guys are awaiting to find out the gender of the baby, and not telling anyone the names!! I would be too excited to wait or keep anything a secret.

Charlotte recently posted..A Peek at My Fitness Bucketlist
You just continue your succeed pregnancy..Choosing name of the babies is the best part..
Katherine recently posted..Les Arcs Skiing Information
I love reading your pregnancy update. You are so beautiful in your pregnancy. Great, you have enough sleep always. Sleep is very important during pregnancy period. Good luck on your pregnancy.
Sandra Parker recently posted..Brighter, Whiter Smiles With These Teeth Whitening Tips
YAY for halfway there!!! And double yay for names!! We are all set with a name if pumpkin is boy – but not 100% decided on a girl’s name yet!! =)
You look adorable – barely showing and still tiny!! =)
Michele @ nycrunningmama recently posted..Happy Bump Day! (25 weeks)