Happy Friday!
I’m going to finish up my sleep post over the weekend, but for now it’s a Friday Share.
1. Most important one of my best friends gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I’m SO over the moon happy for them. We went to visit them yesterday in the hospital. She is the youngest baby I’ve ever met besides my own. So special.
2. Coffee is so good. This is by far probably what I tweet the most. I slept decently well this week because Olivia slept decently well, but the night my pal had her baby, I COULD NOT sleep. I was up past midnight so happy and excited. I woke up Thursday morning as exhausted as I had been when Olivia had her sleep regression. Strange. I wanted to literally drink an entire pot of coffee but somehow I managed to just have my normal morning and afternoon cups.
3. Blissful Eats has 2 new social media interns. They are doing a great job. I’d love it if you would follow us on twitter and facebook. There’s a special coupon code for March floating around too!
4. Tonight is pizza night. Someone after spending $200 at the grocery store last week we barely have any food in the fridge. So tonight will be salad pizza with mozzarella. This “salad” will be sad because I only have lettuce and one red pepper.
5. I typically have a Chobani yogurt for a snack everyday with almond butter, chia, fruit and Blissful Eats granola. I ran out of Chobani, so I decided to go with 1/2 banana topped with almond butter, hemp and cacao nibs…and 1 chocolate chip cookie on the side. And then 2 more cookies later.
6. Gap is having 40% off this weekend for card holders. This means I can go buy adorable things for Olivia at very good prices. Psyched.
7. I’m going through 1 week of each of Tina’s phases from Best Body Bootcamp. Today I did an 800 rep workout and a 20 minute steady state incline walk. I literally curse her every workout. You should join the Bootcamp, but in the mean time check out this workout for Pre-Fatigue Sets she posted Monday.
8. Ryan saved my blog’s life again. There were about a million things wrong with it and he fixed them. He is SO quick, affordable and he’s funny too. The last has nothing to do with fixing my blog, but you may want to follow him on twitter anyway.
9. Olivia has perfected her bubble blowing. This means she’s 100% covered in drool 100% of the time.
10. Danny and I are hopefully going on a sushi date this weekend. I haven’t had sushi in months.
11. I’d love to hear what’s on your mind today. Or what you’re doing for the weekend?
Have a good one!

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I am going to clean my kitchen and probably go to Gap since you had to go and remind me about the 40% off
we visited grandmas (brooklyns great grandma) and it was SOO relaxing!
I tried to comment on your sleep training post, but I kept getting an error message:( I love this rambling post:) We also spent nearly $200 on groceries and I wonder where it all goes?!? Maybe food prices are going up and I haven’t noticed. Good to know abou the Gap! I’ve got a card there too, but don’t get there very often. And you have way more self control than I do when it comes to coffee, i literally drink two large travel mugs full of coffee every morning. I think it equates to 6 cups. Not good. I need to curb that habit.
This week we went to my inlaws beach house. So wonderful. I love the beach in the off season. Even though it was cold we watched the sunrise. Literally saw the sun come up on the horizon, blazing, gorgeous. Sophia was amazed. Then a little recovery run on the empty beach. Wonderful. I felt so blessed.