I’m SO happy to be sharing my new blog today!
It’s been LONG overdue, like SO long. I’ve had this blog for 4 years, and when I started the name was very fitting. I started it because my family and friends would call me for recipes or health/nutrition advice. 4 years later, this blog is a very different place. I rarely post recipes anymore, not because I don’t cook and bake, but because I don’t have the time to write down everything I do to create recipes as often as I did before.
I’m no longer an elementary school teacher, I’m a small business owner and a working, stay at home mom. Life looks drastically different and I love it. I’m so happy where I am in life right now…but for a long time I felt like the name of my blog didn’t fit anymore, so it almost deterred me from writing.
I LOVE being healthy, eating healthy and sharing information…but right now my blog isn’t just about health. It’s about me…and that’s what my blog should be a reflection of. So I’m so happy to send you over to NicoleCulverblog.com.
Thank you for reading over the past couple years. I know I haven’t been consistent with posting lately, but hey, that’s life. Can’t wait to see you soon!
(P.S. I think eventually this will just forward to Nicole Culver blog.)

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LOVE IT!!!! Can’t wait to check out the new spot (and do you have recommendations for switching a blog/redirecting/all that jazz??)!! I’m ready for a change too, and I was actually just looking at domains before coming to this post!!
4 years is a good run, my friend! Now you’re just going into a newer and even better one!
The link did not work for me.
the link is broken!