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Mexican Lasagna!

March 7, 2011

These next 3 weeks are action packed for me….not necessarily in the fun way, but it happens to the best of us. I know after these 3 weeks, I’ll be that much closer to April, to Italy and ultimately…to SUMMER VACATION! We are in the process of also trying to buy a house, sell our [...]

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Homemade Cakes and Mexican Lasagna!

March 6, 2011

I’m back! I took a little blogging break to go down to Maryland for the weekend. I was a family girl and took a break from the computer, twitter, facebook and everything else technological. I enjoyed some family time with my in laws and got in a 7 mile run with Danny. It was semi [...]

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Sunday Traditions: Eggplant Lasagna

January 20, 2011

I grew up in a house that had big Sunday dinners in the middle of the afternoon. Sunday we would drop everything,make a big pot of sauce, pasta and possible some type of chicken parmigiana, if it was an extra special Sunday. We still do this, especially when my sister and cousins are home from college, [...]

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