I just can’t help myself….at Trader Joe’s. I find myself walking up and down aisles and just grabbing my good old reliable items that I never, ever, ever want to run out of. Almond butter? Have it, have over half a jar of it, but need another one to sit in my pantry and wait until that day I go through half a jar of it in one sitting. Heaven’s forbid I go half a day without it…scary thought. Another thing to add to my list? Frozen fruit. They practically give it away at TJ’s, so I MUST stock up on Very Cherry Blend and Mixed Berries….and frozen organic blueberries too. Then then list goes on…frozen wild fish…crackers…cheeses…and then whatever else I may find that I haven’t tried before, like this…
Anyways, since I hate running out of things…it makes my pantry look like this…
Please tell me some one else has this problem too? I just hate running out of things, it makes me nervous, so therefore I must stock up on things.
This stocking up thing isn’t just for food, it goes for body wash, shampoo and conditioner, lotions, makeup, etc. I think it’s my mom’s fault….
Tell me you have this problem…or another one very similar at least. Have a great weekend!!!

{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }
haha, no worries – I used to be exactly the same – although I am (gradually) overcoming the problem
I think it helps that lately I don't have as much time to go to the grocery store and just find a bunch of new things to try! You'd be proud – I SO wanted to find a new nut butter today, and was looking at them all for a couple of minutes…before just walking away. Of course…if I had as many options as I would if I was at TJs…I probably wouldn't have been so strong
I hope you got some bulgar!
Are you and my husband in cahoots? I swear, when things get a little low he freaks out. There are things that you should always have 12 of or good grief…we may have to get it later! You are too funny. I can understand the almond butter though…you just can't run out of that!
omg prewriting tomorrows post w/ tons of stuff…products ive stocked up on this week!
lmk how you end up liking that aveeno shampoo
anything by avaolon is great, iherb.com girl. half the price AVE630 is my $5 off code
have a great nite!
I'm like that with cereal. I love to snack on it, so I have tons of different boxes to choose from.
I had a major problem stocking up on food. Thank goodness I've gotten over it a little bit. It's an expensive habit to have!
Have a great weekend!
I wish we had a Trader Joe's nearby! Lucky you!! I saw you are a Special Education teacher…me too:) I tell you…during the school year….I have such a hard time with stress eating!!! I always say..good thing I work out as much as I do….or i'd be in trouble:)
Take care~
While I'm not afraid of running our of things, I end up buying too many things to try and then forgetting about them and so my cupboards are a disaster! I swear to you that every time I open my spice cupboard (yes an entire – big – cupboard is devoted to spices!) something falls out and hits me on the head. It's sad.
I tend to overstock things too! But it's not cheap, and now I'm on a budget, so I'm not letting myself buy something unless I absolutely NEED it. It's tough but it's working!
I am the opposite with socking up on food
If the world was ever ending, I'd be done for it. I should be more like you. I am at the market almost every day…I do a lot of produce and stuff…it sucks when I DON"T feel like going out and there's no food here…maybe I should hit up TJ…my sis in law's fridge looks JUST like yours! She's a TJ fanatic. Her power went out the other night, and she didn't think to put the stuff in a cooler and lost EVERYTHING! I felt so bad. I stock up on TP and makeup
can never run out of those 2 things!!!
I do the SAME THING! I am always afraid I will need it and not have any so I stock up like crazy lol.
TJ's is a dangerous place!!!
I don't stock up on things, but sometimes I wish that I did–like when I run out of things!!
YAY! I'm so happy to see I'm not the only one who stocks up like that! It makes my husband crazy ("Why do we have 4 jars of peanut butter??") but I'm the same way, terrified I'll run out!
And LOVE TJ's!