First work day of 2012 is here! I worked yesterday morning for a couple of hours, but it was all computer work, so it didn’t feel like I was doing too much. Are you getting back to work with your 2012 goals in mind?
This first workday I’m sure many of us are all prepared with our salads, whole grains, water & prepared snacks. But really, what is going to make this year any different than last? There has to be something to make you make a PERMANENT change. So many people are ready come January first and then fizzle by the end of the month. What is going to make this time real? How are you going to be healthy this time and make it a permanent part of your future?
First off, looking back on my own new years resolutions & goals, I tend to see very similar things. While I do eat well daily, something I’m always striving for is to eat more protein, less carbs and drink more water. I’m always pushing to be better and more toned. (sorry for those of you who hate the word toned. ) The water thing is something I’m ALWAYS working on. Mostly because I love things like coffee & tea especially in the cold weather. I’m working on it.
The protein thing is tough for me. I spoke to Miz about this when we met. I always grab things like (homemade) granola bars and nut balls for a snack. I’m going to start to prepare different proteins like hard boiled eggs, bags of portioned nuts, mini smoothies, etc so I can just grab that instead of going to carbs right away. Also I’m going to schedule in eating. When I was teaching it was so easy for me to be regimented and eat every couple of hours. Somehow working from home I’m all over the place. I’m going to aim to eat every 3-4 hours and not let it get into the 5 or 6 hour mark.
We all have goals to work on and we all want them to stick. How are you going to make it real this year?
1. Write it down and look at it multiple times a day. Hang up notes to yourself to motivate you…maybe even pictures if that works for you. Pinterest for motivation?
2. Get others on board. Make it a challenge.
3. Make it clear cut, realistic goals and a PLAN to get there. Don’t go balls to the wall the first week, it won’t last if it’s not something you can keep up with!
4. Tell yourself you CAN do this. You really can. Make this year different. Make it last!
5. Ask for help! There are SO many way to get support. Facebook, twitter, pinterest, daily mile and more! I love to cheerlead for people, so if you need a cheerleader just ask!
Make this year the year that you really get on the road to health! I’ll be working on my own goals along side of you!
What are you working on?
Oh yea, I forgot to mention I’m going WITHOUT chocolate for 2 weeks. I’m on day 5. Feel free to send me an encouraging tweet!

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Good luck with yours. It seems I’m always striving for things too. I plan to make mine stick by making them more enjoyable and by telling others. For instance, I hate having salad for lunch, so instead I am going to bring more warm veggie bowls, soups, and veggie-filled sandwiches. Healthy eating should be tasty too!
Tiff recently posted..Brews n’ Shakes
I don’t get why people hate the word toned!
I am trying to eat smaller portions!
I love the word toned!! and doing better with water is something that I need to work on as well!
Pure2raw twins recently posted..golden berries pancakes
Because they are afraid of diet.
And thats the simple answer.
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