How are you friends doing? I know, your dying for this big huge reveal… it’s coming I promise. I’ve been kind of staying away from the blog because I’m afraid I’m going to slip. I’ve enjoyed reading your comments & tweets about what it could possibly be. According to some friends I’ll be purchasing a zoo. I already got offers of help from Carla & Cat. If I ever did buy a zoo, I’d stay far away because don’t you all know animals smell?
I’m in such a sharing mood today, so I wanted to share things with you. (Except my news…not yet!)
First things first, check out my new Pure Bliss Eats button on the right at the top. Doesn’t it look pretty? I can’t take credit…my web guy, Andrew did it!
We’re still doing 10% off with the coupon code “BLISS” so check out some of our products!
Moving on, I placed an order with Lori & Michelle’s company Twin Cakes and bought some crackers and flat bread. All of their recipes are amazing, so I had high expectations for their bakery line…and it was met. I almost went through everything already. The Kale & Hemp flatbread is my favorite! Go check them out, so amazing, raw, vegan & healthy!
Do you read Carla’s blog everyday like me? Well, you should because you’ll learn a lot. I always like to highlight my favorite posts or posts that I feel like everyone should read. Today was one of those posts. Carla shares why exercise isn’t her passion. I feel like this resonated with me and should resonate with many of you!
Janetha explained all this behind FitFluential’s new #proof campaign. Get yourself motivated & moving by showing others what you can do!
What do you think about hot temperature workouts? Personally I LOVE hot yoga. I don’t know about some of these classes, but it’s an interesting read from New York Times (thanks John!)
Tuesday Trainer: Supersets! Want a killer workout? Try this!
Favorite thing to share today? Share away!
Heading out for a 3 miles run and a busy work day over here! Have a good one!

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }
Aren’t the twins just the best?!!? Two great bakery’s to sponsor BLEND! I love it!
(thanks for the TT linkage! You should participate this upcoming week!)
Hmmmmm. I’ve gots nothing to share yet Nicole!q
Let me go forth and wrangle my day. There’s sure to be excitement in store. Right? RIGHT??
Miz recently posted..Exercise is not my passion.
there will be excitement! or at least you can share in mine
Well, now I’m excited and I don’t even know what about?! I can’t wait to hear your news!!!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) recently posted..Potatoes, Hummus and Rooms…
I love the things you have to share! And thanks for including me! Off to check out the rest. And yes! I knew it was a zoo!
janetha recently posted..what’s your #PROOF?
we agree with Janetha!!! and we are so beyond honored and thrilled that you enjoyed our products! that means the world to us

and we loved that post from Carla!! she is always such a great inspiration for us!
Pure2raw twins recently posted..protein powder talk + video