How was everyone’s weekend?
Ours was a whirlwind complete with 4 trips to home depot, a started first floor bathroom, many dug up plants, weeds gone, a ready to go garden and much more. We got so much done this weekend, I can’t actually believe it. It makes me feel the end in sight for some home projects that we started months ago…like the kitchen.
This was really my first time gardening. My mom got the fire lit under my bottom…mostly because she can’t stand the non-landscaping that was our front yard. We dug up plants and we’re seeding for more grass. Now we just need to spend the money to get some “curb appeal” going on.
Yard work and gardening is a serious workout. I didn’t overly exert myself, but I did help. My mom and Danny did the real heavy lifting but I did lots of raking…and watering
I wish I took before and after pictures, but of course…I didn’t. Here is one of the many projects:
With all the non-traditional exercise going on over here, I thought it would be fun to look up even more. Part of being healthy is MOVING but it doesn’t always mean going for a run or going to the gym to lift weights. I lifted a heavy watering can about 15 times this weekend. Better than weights if you ask me!
Non-traditional workouts to keep you fit, healthy and get you MOVING!
- Yardwork: raking leaves, picking weeds, planting, gardening, moving the lawn, digging
- Dancing
- House cleaning & organizing
- Walking the dog
- Playing with kids outside
- Nature walks
- Frisbee
- Rock climbing
- Rope jumping
- Biking around town
It’s fun to move with a purpose instead of just heading to the gym…and plus with some of these things you’ll get work done around your house!
I feel SO accomplished and it’s just the beginning…things really will be done before baby…and that feels VERY good!
What is your favorite form on non-traditional exercise?

{ 17 comments… read them below or add one }
the better query for me is WHAT TRADITION DO YOU DO THESE DAYS?!

Miz recently posted..Happy anniversary! We’re both 20(ish)!
This is great. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I live in NYC so I walk a lot. Sometimes I don’t realize how much I do during the day. I think that my favorite right now, aside from shopping, is hula hoop throw downs with my 3 year old niece! She’s so good at it!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted..Finding Time for Fitness
I am loving watching my garden these days! I can’t wait to eat things from it. This is the first one Tony and I have done start to finish. I actually enjoy doing yard work and hiking with the boys is a great nonworkout workout. I’m glad you had a great weekend. I hope it’s a great week for you too!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) recently posted..Carb Cravings…
Love this! Working out can happen in many ways. It’s all about getting moving. I love playing with the kiddos.

Tina @ Best Body Fitness recently posted..Move It Monday: Bootcamp Style
I like to imagine that my morning coffee weighs 20 lbs. and I’m doing bicep curls with each sip… does that count? I hope so.
Great list…
PavementRunner recently posted..I Think I’m Ready
HAHAHAH. I like this one =)
Michele @ nycrunningmama recently posted..How to Run a Marathon while 20 Weeks Pregnant
Oh gosh…I’m going to have to have you come over to our new home in a few weeks to help me out! I’ll send you a picture – the sellers had the home built but ended up getting divorced and losing both their jobs so there is NOTHING but weeds in front of the house. I have massive work cut out for me and my thumb sure as heck ain’t green!!!
You are so right about this – sometimes I get upset at night if I don’t work out…but when you sit and think about it, we don’t spend the day sitting on the couch eating Bon-Bons (I would love to do this)…My favorite these days is being outside with my little guy. We logged three hours today – all before our lunchtime break!! LOL
Michele @ nycrunningmama recently posted..How to Run a Marathon while 20 Weeks Pregnant
I totally hear you on the shopping — trying on tons and tons of clothes always exHAUSTS me. That’s what Cinnabon is for, right?
Emily @ I’d Rather Walk recently posted..Twilight Sesh
haha love how you have shopping in there…in bold!! so true
Pure2raw twins recently posted..something new
I agree with you. Anything that gets you up and moving is a good workout! I like gardening a lot, and housework.. up and down and sweeping and washing… yes! But I don’t like that one.
Elle recently posted..10km Run Today, Easy Peasy
It’s funny bc this list used to be thought of as good ways to excercise now if ots not in a gym or off a trainers blog we think of as untraditional
Playing with young children is SUCH a workout ! You move so much, while having fun, too
Another great one is cleaning, re-organizing, everything. I love clearing out my closet. I can get worked up while being productive, too.
Great! It is all about moving!!!
And doesn’t it feel good to get things done before baby comes???
Laury recently posted..Cupcakes and Tulle
I think it’s great that you kept moving by non-traditional forms of exercise. SO awesome.

I like painting and kicking the ball to my kids
blackhuff recently posted..We share everything
You move so much, while having fun, too Another great one is cleaning, re-organizing, everything. Thanks that you’ve shared.
Claire recently posted..Skiing Holidays
Another great one is cleaning, re-organizing, everything. I love clearing out my closet. I can get worked up while being productive, too.
Barry recently posted..Spring Allergies Symptoms
workouts can be in various forms. My best traditional way of working out is running round the house with my son.
Debby Osten recently posted..Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Dating Nights