Hi! Just got back from a nice 5 mile run….and by nice.. I mean nice that it’s over. Every step seemed to be a struggle today…which I think is due to the leg workout I did yesterday. I was a little sore and I think my legs just weren’t feeling it. I broke the run up by running for 12 minutes and walking for 2 and did that a total of 4 times. Also I listened to Jillian Michael’s podcast of the week, which always helps keep me motivated.
Yesterday I needed a little afternoon pick me up when I got home from doing work related errands I wanted to make some raw cookies, so I opened the pantry and threw together some ingreidents to make a deliciously healthy cookie.
My requirements for this cookie were: had to have “power” ingredients in them, somewhat low in sugar, easy and obviously delicious. These are all of the above. It was a great snack to have when my sister in law stopped by with her 3 kids on the way home from CT too! The kids loved them!
Ingredients In a food processor add the oats and process them until they are into small crumbled pieces. Add in chia, shelled hemp and peanut butter and process until combined. Then add the peanut butter, coconut oil and agave nectar. Pulse until all ingredients are combined, scraping down sides when needed. Mix in chocolate chips and then scoop into cookie shape. Enjoy at room temperature or freeze for a cool treat!
These are such a perfect snack and I even enjoyed one before my run this morning to fuel up!
What’s your perfect snack right now?
Something to read: Caitlin posted such a well written piece on The Mommy Wars. What’s your take on this? I personally feel like, you do what you need to do for your own family. What’s right for you, may not be right for the next family and we all need to do the best we can, with the tools we are given. No judgements.

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these looks delicious! I’ve been eating healthy diva’s protein balls lately. So delicious! I also read the post from Caitlin. Even though I’m not a mama, I thought it was SO well written!
so yummy! i’ll take about 45 more
Need to try these
These look great! I love simple recipes like this.

Brittany recently posted..Can It Forward
oh perfection! i am going to put these on my clean eating board!
Amanda @RunToTheFinish recently posted..Connecticut is for Runners: Win $1000 Gift Card
The fact that you are still able to go out and run 5 is amazing. I ran two yesterday and I was tired. LOL.
Cookies look yummy… your baby is gonna get all the good snacks!
Pavement Runner recently posted..Surround Yourself With Greatness
Delicious! Pinning these for sure!
I read Caitlin’s take on the Mommy Wars, too. Everyone has their own opinion and thinks it’s the best way. When in reality we are all different and have different situations. Imagine what motherhood could be like if we all supported each other 100% and didn’t have petty Mommy Wars?
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..My Secret to Running at 5 a.m.
those look so good! I should (try) and make them since they would be a great snack while breastfeeding
Lindsay recently posted..Guest Recipe: A Healthy Lentil Soup with Veggies
I am scared I would eat them all – portion control might go out the window!

Jody – Fit at 54 recently posted..Hidden Agendas – Can They Harm You?
YUM!!! I am def going to make these balls.
Cat @ Breakfast to Bed recently posted..Shaving With a Hatchet
this recipe sounds amazing!
Purely Twins recently posted..reminder
Delicious! These look wonderful!
Kelly recently posted..saying it in person
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