Friday, Friday! Another week has passed! I’m enjoying a nice quiet morning on the couch, drinking coffee, doing some work and hoping I get out for a walk before it starts to rain. I just may have to hit up the treadmill today if that happens, but that’s okay.
So with 27 weeks, comes…the third trimester? There is a bit of debate whether the third trimester is 27 or 28 weeks so I’m going to say that officially I’ll be in the 3rd tri next week. My two baby apps have differing views, so I’ll just wait until next week to announce I’m 2/3rds done.
What has happened in the past week is that baby C is about 2 pounds now and 14.5 inches long. That seems SO incredibly long, but I believe it because I get hit on all different sides of my belly. It’s pretty crazy. I spend a good amount of time everyday, especially at night, watching baby move around. I’m basically used to constant motion and can’t really remember what it’s like to not feel something moving around in there.
I feel pretty fortunate that I’ve had a relatively easy pregnancy that I hope will continue until the end. I feel pretty boring because I really don’t have much to say about this week. Nothing new has really happened. I did get this Medela Maternity Support belt at the recommendation of Michele for running. I wore it one time this week when I went for a mid day run and liked the way it felt. I don’t feel like I need it at this point, but I wanted to try it.
So what I thought would be fun to do today is to write about what has surprised me about pregnancy: (Note: Every pregnancy is different and every person is different. This is just what I found to surprise me!)
First Trimester Woes. When I was in the midst of lethargy and all day nausea, I couldn’t imagine going through pregnancy more than once. Now that that has more than passed, I almost forget what it was like. Mine lasted beyond the first tri, but still doesn’t seem *so* bad now.
Food aversions. I’m FINALLY getting over aversions to smoothies and peanut butter. It’s surprised me what I didn’t want to eat and how much they grossed me out.
Going along with food, it’s surprised me how I will have no clue what I want to eat for hours and how much NOTHING sounds good to me. Then once I figure something out, it’s usually SO specific and I need to have it now (hence baked zucchini fries and homemade ricotta). And it’s surprised me how much I’m obsessed with mozzarella.
Dessert. It’s surprised me how much I haven’t wanted dessert. Yes, chocolate, I eat daily (couple morsels here and there) but as far as sweets, I’m much more likely to have pounds of fruit a day (literally) than eat ice cream, cookies, etc.
Feeling pregnant. It’s also surprised me how normal I feel most of the time. The busier I am during the day (except in the extreme, extreme heat) the less pregnant I feel. (I’m also sure this will change as I continue to grow!)
Finding cute clothes isn’t so bad. There are many reasonable stores that offer maternity clothes and I find honestly I can still wear many of my pre-pregnancy tops at this point.
I kind of like being pregnant in the summer. The warmer weather, the longer days, getting out for walks at night, wearing more fitted clothes and the fruit all make being pregnant in the summer not bad. I always knew I would wear more fitted clothes because I don’t like looking like a giant potato sack, but I like just being able to put on a t shirt, tank or dress and go! I also appreciate I don’t feel cooped up at night and can go for a walk around the block when I want.
Hair. Let’s face it. I’m Italian. I’m hairy. What I didn’t expect is that the rate at which my hair would grow (everywhere) would be probably quadrupled. Luckily, I’m quite used to hair removal and have my own waxing kit.
Hunger, Eating and Weight Grain. I don’t really feel like I’m eating *that* much more than I was before I got pregnant. I don’t really feel like I need to eat more than an extra snack a day and I just tend to eat when I’m hungry. I don’t count calories or anything like that. On the same note, I’m happy with how my weight gain has progressed so far. I do have moments where I think about how much I’ll gain, but I know whatever goes on, will come off. I also know I’m being responsible with what I’m eating.
Generousity and kindness. I knew that our family would be excited, but never would I ever have been able to understand HOW excited everyone around us would be. The way our family has helped us with the house and business is beyond what I ever thought. I also appreciate SO much how excited my friends are and how much they ask about Baby C. It really is just a special amazing time.
Other thoughts: Now I do feel great 90% of the time, but trust me I do have nights and moments where I have zero patience and don’t want to deal with anything. Like I almost lost it at the Post Office when the lady told me I couldn’t get my P.O. Box for Pure Bliss. It was hot, I was uncomfortable and the last thing I wanted to do was drive home and back (all of 1.5 miles) to get a paper I was missing. I was not very nice. Also I have had pretty bad heart burn daily for about 2 weeks. I feel like it’s starting to ease up a bit, but we’ll see. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies, but honestly, as of right now it *mostly* is….and I’m NOT taking it for granted.
Now that you’ve had 2 days in a row of listening to my ramblings, I’m going to go now.
If you are or have been pregnant, what surprised you the most? If you haven’t, what intrigues you the most?
Happy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend!

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }
I couldn’t believe how much you could see the baby move from the outside. I found it astonishing.
Cat @ Breakfast to Bed recently posted..Don’t Submerge the Historian in Freezing Brownie Batter.
LOVED reading all of these. you look great!!
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean recently posted..#surviveon35 Eats: Day 2
It’s so fun reading updates from you, especially since you are seven weeks ahead of me. I love that you’re honest about what you are experiencing. I agree with the Summer parts. Easy maxi dresses, fresh fruit and cooler nights are nice benefits.
Victoria @ Running Peanut recently posted..Quotes From My Brother
You look amazing!!! Seriously barely looks like you are even pregnant =)
Agree with Cat – couldn’t believe that my belly was distorting the way it was !!
I was also super surprised at the amount of energy I felt like I had around the 7th/8th month. It was definitely the nesting that was taking over and I found that I wanted to do SO much around the house. I truly think running til the end helped with the first pregnancy – it gave me energy and a little spunk in my step =)
Michele @ Nycrunningmama recently posted..What’s Your Everest?
awwww yes. I remember those feelings/emotions/actions. And love the photo, you look fab!
Pavement Runner recently posted..Playlist Thursday: Danceability
Isn’t it crazy and at the same time so amazing what hormones can do! I loved being pregnant. Everyday was a new discovery!
Shay @ Whine Less, Breathe More recently posted..Rockin’ Summer Night
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