Good morning!
This weekend we took a quick overnight trip to Boston. I had three very compelling reasons to go, so I couldn’t pass it up. Two of my friends were having a joint 30th birthday party AND there was a new baby to meet! This was an extra special 30th birthday party because one of my friends from growing up and one of my friends from college were both having a combined party. (They live together!) A bunch of my friends from home were going up AND my college friends would be there. Both worlds colliding and a perfect excuse for an overnight trip.
Clearly after such a good weekend, it’s a marvelous Monday.
Danny and Liv made the trip with me so we could all meet baby Will, my friend Katie & Steve’s new baby. Danny and Steve hung out with the kids while Katie and I went to the party for awhile. They had steaks and beers and we got out. Perfect night.
It’s amazing how much a weekend with friends fills you up. I’m thankful to have spent time with such good friends. It can be hard when you live in different states, but I think we do a pretty good job of seeing each other every couple of months.
I wanted to make something to bring to Katie’s, so I decided pumpkin chocolate chip cookies would be perfect. I made a double batch so I could have some for here and for the car. I’ve eaten these the past 3 days as dessert, breakfast and then a snack. Perfect road trip snack!
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl first add all of the dry ingredients, except chocolate chips. Mix. Then add the wet ingredients. Mix to combine well. Add in the chocolate chips and stir. Scoop onto a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 10-13 minutes.
I’m a little late for the being thankful for 1 thing a day in November….
but can I just start now? I love reading everyone else’s.
Day 1: My husband. In 10 days we’ll be together for 10 years. Crazy. I don’t need to go into why I’m thankful for him, but I am every single day.
Day 2: Olivia! This little bundle has shown me how it’s impossible to love in ways I never thought possible.
Day 3: Family. My family is always there for each other and puts family first. That’s something I hope to pass onto Olivia.
Day 4: Me time. I’m thankful for the hour I carve out a day to exercise and move. It’s been so important to keep up exercising and running because it helps me stay balanced and SANE.
Day 5: Coffee. Really. Coffee.
Day 6: Friends. Life just wouldn’t be as full without my good friends.
Day 7: Blissful Eats. I’m so glad I started my journey opening my own business two years ago. I am looking forward for big things to comein the next year!
Day 8: Cooking & Baking. I’m happy to be armed with the knowledge I need to cook and bake for my family so we all eat well and health-fully.
Day 9: Weekends. I think everyone is probably grateful for these, but I so appreciate the two days I get a week where I get to spend time with Danny and Liv as a family of 3.
Day 10: Good TV. Is this weird? Homeland, Scandal, Sons of Anarchy, Nashville, Blacklist are our current favs.
Day 11: My MOTHER! It’s her BIRTHDAY today! I’m seriously grateful for her every single day. She does SO much for me and my family I can’t even put it into words. She is one of the most self-less people I know. <3 Love you MOM!
Thanks for letting me do that!
And Happy Veteran’s Day. So thankful for those of you who have served our country and continue to serve. You are the reason we feel safe and have the freedoms we do.

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Always thankful for cookies & coffee!
So glad you had away time with friends – very important!