15 months! Am I going to wonder where the time has gone every month that passes? Probably.
Talking: She picks up new words everyday. She’s big into copying what we are doing and saying now. Obviously the words are her version, but she has been saying words like pretzel, play, blueberry, love you, run, grandma, bird, etc. She’ll repeat it one or two times and it’s awfully cute. She always has conversations with us with her baby babble back and forth. She also loves to talk over us when we have conversations.
Personality: Olivia is such a little person. It’s really amazing. She is quite sassy but also is super sweet. She loves giving kisses, especially to her babies. She loves to laugh and has perfect comedic timing (as my sister calls it). Livi is also pretty stubborn and when she gets a phone or electronic device in her eye site, she must have it. It usually works if we tell her that it has to go to sleep if we distract her with something else quickly. I’m sure all of these things are typical to toddlers of her age, but it’s still so fun to see her develop.
Eating: Eating is always up and down for us. One day she’ll take in tons of food and then she’ll go three days where she barely eats. She’s still extremely picky. I always offer her vegetables and will keep offering her a variety of foods. I know one day she’ll take to it. The only vegetable she likes right now consistently are carrots. Her favorite foods are yogurt, quesadillas, pizza and ezekial toast with avocado or butter. She’ll also mostly eat eggs, peanut butter, pancakes and blueberries mixed with chia seeds. Larabars & whole grain pumpernickel pretzels are also hits for us. We haven’t gotten rid of her bottle yet. She gets a bottle around 9 and around 6:30 with whole milk. She drinks from 10-16 oz a day of milk. Liv won’t drink milk in a straw or sippy cup yet. She refuses it. Any suggestions are welcome! I have about 6 cups we’ve tried (and I keep trying.)
Napping & Sleeping: Naps are still random. She takes one or two naps per day. If her first nap is a good one (2 hours about) then she won’t take a second one. If it’s short she’ll usually still take a cat nap in the afternoon. At night she sleeps from 7:30 – anywhere from 7:30-8.
Favorite Things:
- music & dancing
- going to Trader Joe’s
- her babies
- Pottery Barn anytime chair
- playing with & throwing any ball
- her dada
- “talking” on the phone
- Sesame Street YouTube videos
- running around outside
- being chased
- hide and seek
- her baby stroller (as in the one she pushes around)
- pulling out baking sheets and sitting on them
- FaceTime
- watching kids
- saying hi
Looking back on the past 15 months, I think that the hardest time for us was around 8-11.5 months. When she first started crawling she just wanted to be on the ground moving. When she wasn’t on the ground she was whining. When she started walking things got easier because she could be more independent. Liv can also play now with you or by herself. It’s just overall much easier to interact with her. Don’t get me wrong we still have hard days, but it’s so much more fun now that it’s more interactive.
Until next time!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }
Happy 15 months!! She is such a doll. I love those pigtails. I can see the sass though — watch out. It could be part of the name.
She is so cute!!! I know yo have to handle the not so god but she is just adorable!!!