How hot has it been where you are? Here on the beach it’s been pretty toasty. We’ve had another great week with the kids, doing a perfect mix of relaxing, playing, reading, splashing, running, swimming, eating, etc.
We’ve spent a ton of time on the beach, some under the umbrella, some in the water. I’m not a huge water person at all, but I love watching the kids swim and boogie board.
sherpa Dan
We also took a yearly trip to the boardwalk, which Danny and I usually avoid. We met up with them there so we could ride some rides with the kids.
Chris and Jess also came for a night to visit.
They made me promise no running before we left. I even stuck to it.
It is definitely a challenge sticking with healthy eating when on vacation. I try to stick with it as much as possible, while not depriving myself.
Some tips to stay on track while on vacation (especially the week before I’m in 2 weddings.)
- Get up early and get in a good workout. Whether walking or running, a beach workout is sure to make you break a sweat. I love getting up before everyone else, that way I don’t feel like I’m missing anything.
- Pick something to splurge on and try to eat pretty well the rest of the day. For me, I like to have a typical breakfast (yogurt and granola bar or yogurt and muffin) and lunch (salad with hummus/tuna/avocado) and then for dinner I’ll try to eat as close as possible to my regular eating without making myself crazy (I’ve been chip crazy the past couple of weeks). When it comes to dessert I’ll usually splurge and have ice cream or frozen yogurt.
- Pack snacks and food you like to eat and are healthy. Since we are on vacation at my in-laws house I made a ton of snacks to eat during the day. I made hummus, granola bars, muffins, raw chocolate balls. I also brought frozen tuna (from Trader Joe’s), Dr. Praegar’s burgers, shrimp, avocados, that way when the family is eating burgers or something else I can have them throw my tuna or veggie burger on easily.
- Part of being healthy is making splurges on vacation. You have to enjoy your vacation, so plan out what and when you want to splurge and you will find yourself on track and happy at the end of your vacation. And then again if that crumb cake is really calling your name and you already splurged, go for it anyway! There is always tomorrow.
Taken on one of our morning runs.
Stopped to stretch and rest.
Tomorrow is our last day here, then it’s back to the grind for Danny. Then I’ll be back to blog reading, I miss all of you! Thank you for all your kind blogiversary wishes, you guys made my day!
What is your favorite tip to stay moderately healthy on vacation?

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I definitely agree about packing snacks and healthy choices, especially if you have food intolerances like myself. I love a good larabar to keep in my pocket wherever I go.
I had so much fun with you =] ! Delicious food included!
Great tips! I really like the one about getting up early to workout. I'm naturally a morning person, so I love getting out on the beach before the crowds to enjoy a run or walk.
seems like your enjoying your vacation at the beach! so jealous of you right now
if I plan on working out I always make sure to do it first thing so I don't have it lingering over me/i can enjoy the rest of my day
These are GREAT tips. Vaca is definitely the one time I struggle the most!
love the pics..i guess eating healthy food is quite hard during on vacation…i guess because its a new place and we dont have much info on where to buy and where to look…
i try to make sure i get at least one salad in a day for a meal. otherwise, i just enjoy!
I love your tips! I like to look up nearby restuarants/cafes before I go on vacation, that way I can plan out my splurge nights/meals.
I favorite tip is to remember to indulge a little but just because it's vacation doesn't mean it's a free for all. I've had major problems with going balls to the wall on my eating and lack of excercising on vacation and usually fell awful by the time I get back. Poor food choices when your used to fairly good ones really throw your system out of whack.
Great tips. And it is hard to stay healthy on vacation, but working out first thing is a must for me.