Happy Friday!
Last night we actually started our bathroom! My mom and stepdad came over for dinner and then my mom sister and I went to check out Pottery Barn Kids so I could register there. They have the cutest things. Danny and I don’t think we are finding out if the baby is a boy or girl, so I had to go with gender neutral things. It’s kind of hard when the boy and girl things are SO cute, but I think I’m sticking to my guns and going to be surprised.
While we went Danny and Tony started drilling holes for the plumbing because we moved the entire bathroom to a different spot. I couldn’t be more excited at the idea that this bathroom is being started and has an end in sight.
I love starting the weekend off one a positive note and that usually comes in the form of a good workout and a great Friday night dinner. I haven’t decided what Friday night dinner is yet, but I’m certainly getting in a good Friday workout.
Where do you look for a good workout?
I tend to like to follow plans, but I’ve been a little all over the place lately. As long as I get in some cardio and weight training during the week, I’m okay with it for now. But checkout these great workouts for a little kick in the butt!
- SELFs Drop 10 Challenge with Tone it Up Girls!
- Tuesday Trainer by Lindsay’s List (actually hosted by Janetha this week)
- Pinterest!
- Nike Training App
- Gina at Fitnessista’s workouts
- FitStudio BCX Express with Bonnie & Steve Pfiester
All FREE! There’s no excuse to not workout with all this free information out there!
Any good dinner ideas for me? I need to get a little creative tonight…with foods I already have. Please share links in the comments if you have any good ones! Favorite workout of late? Also share!
Have a wonderful Friday and enjoy the (supposed) sun this weekend!

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I’m going to have saltines. Should be bland!
Cat @ Breakfast to Bed recently posted..The Power of the Force Compels You…
I always wonder why people would hire me to train them – the internet is chock full of FREE resources!
Pottery Barn Kids has such cute stuff
That’s exciting that y’all are waiting to find out the sex– I couldn’t do it, but I think it would be so fun if you can– the ultimate surprise!!
Anna @ On Anna’s Plate recently posted..Early Cinco de Mayo + Thoughts on the Post-Pregnancy Body
We made this for dinner tonight and it was delicious!!! (We live in Europe so it’s almost bedtime here!)
The challenge is in how to become physically fit, because there is no universal solution for physical fitness..
Jared recently posted..Creative Copy Writers Devon
and a gitgit movvvvvving monday.
Im off

Miz recently posted..Happy anniversary! We’re both 20(ish)!
PINTEREST is where I get a lot of my workouts from, but when all else fails Tone It Up is a good go-to.
jazmin recently posted..Cookies N Cream Cookie Dough Pancakes
Congrats on playing the waiting game. We also waiting for our baby’s birth to find out what we were having. You can always register some baby girl and boy clothes you really like and return them once it is born.
And this is a tasty recipe , if you like prawns/shrimp.