So it’s almost summer… what does that mean to you? Most of us are scrambling and feeling like we’re not bikini or swimsuit ready…right? I hope you can find some peace in your body and not worry about every so called “imperfection”. I’ll be doing the same as I sport my baby bump around the beach this summer.
While I do hope you can feel proud of all your hard work that you’ve put into your body this year, there are some workouts and things we can do to tweak our diets to help us shape up right before summer. (And by us, this year, I don’t mean me. I’ll be continuing to eat healthy and honor my body without worrying too much…I am growing a baby, after all.)
These probably aren’t going to come as a surprise to you. I am not about cutting things out drastically but making small changes.
1. Reduce and eventually cut out processed foods. Drop the 100 calorie packs, Skinny Cow, low calorie breads, etc. Snack on healthy nutritious snacks like nuts, carrots & hummus, small smoothies, etc.
2. Drink water! Aim for at least half your body weight in ounces.
3. Eat a balanced diet of protein, veggies, healthy fats whole grains. Stick to whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, millet, wheatberries, etc. Try new recipes! Don’t eat the same thing everyday! For more inspiration on switching your foods up check out Kasey’s blog, Powercakes!
4. Portion control. When snacking portion out your snacks, especially things like nuts and nut butters.
5. Remember: Carbs are not the devil and Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat!
6. Write down your goals and look to others to help you with inspiration!
7. Move more and pick up those weights! Don’t rely on hours of cardio to help you tone up! Try new exercises, interval training, crossfit, zumba, weight training, etc. Make a workout PLAN!
More inspiration:
Jillian Michael’s Top Ten Sim Down Tips
Casey’s Bikini Blaster Workout
A sneak peek to Bob Harper’s Skinny Rules
What are top tips you live by to slim down for summer?

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }
These are great tips!! I TOTES agree with dropping those overpriced, overprocessed crap packs.
View each day thru lens of where can I fit in movement!
Perfect timing…Ryan and I have agreed to give up sugar for the next three weeks (ish) to try to slim down for summer!
Great tips, Nicole! I especially love your carbs and fat links. Enjoy your feeling that baby grow!
Thanks! I let myself go a little bit with whole “injury” thing slowing me down. I’ll take all the tips and motivation I can get.
Great post! Thanks for sharing this one. I will definitely follow your tips because I feel that I gained weight this year and I want to be healthy and sexy.
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