I haven’t blogged well because….
Olivia Rose Culver is FINALLY here!
She made her grand entrance into the world yesterday, October 20th at 4:38 am, weighing in at 8 pounds, 2 ounces, 21.5 inches, after a 38 hour labor. We couldn’t be anymore in love with her. Yesterday so many of our family and friends came by to meet the little one. We are so thrilled.
I can’t wait to share my birth story with you. It was a long ride and the hardest thing I’ve ever, ever done, but it was so worth it. I could NEVER have done it without the support of my husband and my sister. The three of us worked as a team and worked so hard to bring Olivia into the world. I know not everyone would have their sister into the birth room with them, but I could not have done it without her love and support. She knew exactly what to say to me, what I needed and when I needed. Danny did as well, but there was a special thing about having 2 people to rely on.
I don’t think you could ever understand what moms mean when they say labor and birth are hard, but so worth it until you go through it. I’ve never been so proud of my husband and I, this is by far our best achievement to date.

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congrats mama!!!! so happy for you guys. she’s beautiful!
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean recently posted..Dietetic Internship: Weeks 6-9
She is unbelievably gorgeous!!! I am SO happy for you guys!! And I LOVE that your sis was in the room with you – couldn’t agree more with what you said!! Can’t wait to come visit! xoxo
Michele @ Nycrunningmama recently posted..I Am A Domesticator
Oh Nicole, she is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations to you and Danny! Enjoy your sweet baby girl and all your family time right now! Many hugs to you!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) recently posted..Friday Fodder
Congrats!!! Many hugs and smiles to you and your family. She is lovely. I recenlty discovered your blog during a search for healthy eating, and love reading it; I love your recipes too!!
Congratulations and cannot wait to hear about your birth story. I need ALL the info I can get! I love that your sister was in there with you. Obviously I’m for sure having my hubby, but I’ve already had my mom kinda ask if anyone else was going to be in the room (meaning she wants in haha). I would totally not rule her out – she’s my mom and knows what I want!!
Your little girl is so gorgeous!!
char eats greens recently posted..recycled recipe: roasted sweet potatoes with spinach and garlic
I’m a great-aunt again! Olivia is precious! Congratulations to you and Danny. Enjoy and be well.
Love, Donna
Congratulations Nicole! She is absolutely gorgeous, just like her mommy and daddy. <3

Charlotte recently posted..The Group Run That Changed Everything
Congrats! She looks so content, happy, and beautiful!
Congrats! She looks so sweet!
CONGRATULATIONS!! She is just beautiful!
Congratulations, Nicole & family!!!! She’s absolutely precious! Can’t wait to read your birth recap & hear more about your little one!
Meg recently posted..Week 23: Girl or Boy?
Congrats!!! She’s beautiful and I love her name!
Lauren @ Part Time House Wife recently posted..Upper Body SuperSets~ Sweaty Saturdays!
Congratulations! Welcome Olivia!!
Heidi @BananaBuzzbomb recently posted..Buzz: Liebster Blog Award
Miz&TheTornado recently posted..SOCIAL MEDIA EXHAUSTION.
Congratulations!!!! And she is beautiful!

DragonLady recently posted..Cupcake Classic 5k
She is sooo gorgeous!!! Congrats and much love!
Christy recently posted..#MotivationalMondays- Black Swan Workout
Congrats!!! Olivia is beautiful!!
congrats!! Olivia is precious!
What a BEAUTIFUL little girl! Big congrats. Enjoy your gorgeous bundle!!! :=)
Jenelle @ Mummy loves to run recently posted..Plus 5
Congratulations! Beautiful name and beautiful little girl! And you look incredible after just having a baby!
She’s beautiful, Nicole! I love her name, as well.
Congratulations on your new addition! She’s a lucky little girl to have you as a mom!
Kim @ Imperfectly Perfect recently posted..Remembering What’s Important
She’s beautiful, Nicole! I love her name, as well.
Congratulations on your new addition! She’s a lucky little girl to have you as a mom!
Sorry to double post.
Kim @ Sweet Heart Eats recently posted..Pumpkin Madness
She is so beautiful!!! Congrats!!
Ahhhhmazing! Congratulations, she is beautiful!!!