
New New Favorite Finds (Kitchen Edition)

September 22, 2011

I got up at 5:30 this morning to respond to emails and take my last Integrative Nutrition test. Okay, really 5:50, I couldn’t pry myself out of bed. It’s HARD getting up early, says the girl who used to get up at 5, multiple times a week. I’m mostly done with emails and I passed [...]

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Quick Quinoa Casserole!

August 23, 2011

Hello 61 degrees! I can’t wait to get out and run this morning. Danny and I are going to head down to Long Beach and run on the boardwalk and then hang out on the beach for a little bit. So excited to relax (again) today. With all of the craziness with our new house [...]

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Over and Over and Over Again

May 18, 2011

Morning! How is everyone this morning? I got up and did Core Fusion Bootcamp. I am taking another week and a half ish off running. I felt like I needed to restart after running 2 miles a whole bunch of times and getting knee pain. I also bought the Chi Running book, to improve my [...]

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Top 5 Condiments in the Kitchen

March 3, 2011

How did it get so chilly again? I think we were all hoping and convinced it wouldn’t “feel like 9″ again. So such luck. I canned my morning workout when I saw how cold it was going to be. Something about it made me want to stay in bed until almost 7:00. I’ll be hitting [...]

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