Morning again! These days just go quicker and quicker! Thanks for wishing my students luck yesterday, overall I think the test was fair (for Day 1) and they were very well prepared for it. Whether they choose to use our test taking techniques, it could go either way, but it’s out of my hands at this point. Now it’s on to Day Two!
This morning we got up and went to the gym. I really, really can’t wait until the weather shapes up so we can run outside in the morning. We got such a nice taste of it two weeks ago, and then nothing. Last week it was too cold and this week the rain is an issue. I’ll say next week is the week! I hit up the treadmill with a quick 10 minute warm up. I always find I need to walk longer at 5:30 am to get my body going. After that I am okay to run, but I don’t think I push myself as much this early, which is ok with me.
Yesterday after I came home I did an hour of yoga with weights from I certainly am getting my money’s worth of the $5.00 I spent on the month. I love that I can try new classes every time I want to do yoga. Sunday I did a Dave Farmer power yoga class. It was great too! I finally held myself up in wheel for 6 seconds (which sounds like nothing, but is FOREVER to me), I held crow and side crane for 1 or 2 seconds. It sounds like nothing, but I was barely able to get into those poses when I started. I definitely feel myself getting stronger in the 4 months I have been doing yoga and it’s super exciting. Next time I am wearing a picture appropriate outfit (I usually wear my pajama shorts) I will try to have Danny snap a pic.
For dinner I was in a soup mood since it was raining. Over the weekend my Aunt Millie gave me 2 quarts of her famous meatball soup. I gladly took it and made some rice and barley to go with it. After seeing barley so much from Jess’s pictures, I had to make it. It was awesome! I love the texture, chewiness and flavor. Why have I waited SO long to make this? Even Danny liked it (I mixed it in with short grain brown rice for him.)
On Sunday I soaked some cashews to make raw chocolate balls and then when I went to make them today I realized I used all my oats on no bake granola bars. I quickly improv’d and used dates to help give it more substance.
For these raw balls I used:
(original recipe idea from Averie)
2/3 cup cashews (I soaked them overnight)
5 dates
1 tbs maple syrup
2 tbs agave nectar
1 tbs chia seeds
1 scoop protein powder (Amazing Grass Chocolate)
1/4 cup dark chocolate chips
I mixed everything up in the food processor (except the chocolate chips) until it was well processed. Put it into a bowl and add the chocolate chips. Roll into balls and try not to eat all of them at once.
*I finally got some Amazing Grass Green Superfood after seeing it so much in the blog world. Danny had some in his smoothie this weekend and loved it and I tried it in these chocolate balls, so far so good!
Have a great day!
Do you use protein powders often?

{ 16 comments… read them below or add one }
I don't use a ton of protien powders… don't know why?
The weather's suppose to be clearing up soon! You'll be running outside in no time!
I don't use protein powders, since I eat eggs and fish, I don't really find it necessary to add them in though I have used them in the past.
Hoooray for rocking the wheel, crow and side crow. I can do wheel but am still pretty afraid in crow and completely just forget about side crow. One day though, one day!
I've actually never used a protein powder!
I'm totally with you on the weather – two weeks ago was a TOTAL tease. I just want to flashback to then!! haha. Oh well. Hopefully it'll get here soon enough?
I've been thinking a lot about yoga lately – think it'd really help with riding. (they also have yoga on horseback, haha) I'll have to see if yoga download has yoga for beginners.
Glad the barley was a hit!!My mom has loved it everytime I've made it, too. Just wish it didn't take so long to cook. I think it cook make a fun breakfast.
Annnnd, to wrap up this novel, I haven't used protein powders other than the sample I was sent recently. I really liked it, and have been thinking about maybe introducing it in small amounts. I don't like relying on supplements, but I think I might try calculating how much protein I average on a day and see if it would be necessary, or if I simply like protein cakes, haha. I did like the idea of adding some to my date balls though, so that they have a bit more of a protein boost than just a date ball, you know?
Okay, now that I've probably lulled you to sleep – have a great day! haha
another one you got me on here, can you move here and make me healthy again, I can see I have alot of training to do when I come here, and this is another awesome display in your recipe~ yum
I seriously need some better weather soon! Soup is always a good call when the weather is nasty! I hope it clears up for you soon!
love that you added the amazing grass to the raw balls-i never have….good idea.
also yoga download is awesome!
How bad is the weather that you can't get out? Must be awful – poor you – I find the time flys when you run outside as opposed to the sluggish treadmill.
I use protein powders after weight workouts – so 3x a week. 1 scoop mixed with whatever I have on hand that I fancy.
Holding wheel and crow even for a few seconds is awesome! Good for you!
I don't use a lot of protein powders. I find that whey protein doesn't sit too well in my stomach and egg white protein is okay but I would rather just get my protein from real food like eggs, fish, chicken, tofu, etc…
I've not yet used protein powders. I'm getting back in the green monster routine now that it's spring and I wonder if a protein powder would give them more staying power. Any ideas?
I love making raw cookies – I especially like the oatmeal ones from Ani Phyo! So simple and delicious!
I don't use protein powder very often. I use it occasionally in my smoothies. Amazing Grass is my powder of choice
Love raw chocolate balls!!
I use vega powder and love it, but man is it expensive! Plus, it's kind of more like Amazing Grass– less protein, but more nutrients!
Ahhh, I love yoga download!
love the raw balls and the spin you put on things…yum!
Protein powders, have posted extensively about them the past couple weeks. Link to my post about it all on the right hand margin of my site, under popular posts. No, dont do them. And Im a vegan bodybuilder! For me, they just arent necessary and dont agree w/ my tummy but hey, to each her own.
I have AG and use it in recipes. Not tons but here and there.
I adore this. You're right. Terrific