Morning! Is it crazily storming by you? I got up and out at 7:30 this morning and it was pretty cool and sunny. I got in 5 miles, although it wasn’t anything to write home about (which I’ll be talking about tomorrow…) I got it done through running and walking. Good thing I didn’t procrastinate because now it’s ridiculously raining.
Anyway…every so often I get tired of the snacks I’m eating and look for a new one to make. I wanted to make some type of bar with chocolate and peanut butter. Basically when I do this I tend to just throw things in the food processor or mixer and taste it as I go along. I decided my main ingredients would be oats, peanut butter and Vega protein powder and then went from there. Here’s what I came up with!
Ingredients Magic Shell topping *Note: I used 1 scoop protein powder and 4 tbsp agave nectar but you could use 2 scoops protein powder and 2 tbsp agave nectar as well. I cut these into 16 squares and found the size to be perfect! I’ve been snacking on these for the past 2 days and find one square to be very filling and satisfying! What’s your favorite snack right now?
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Mmmm…those look SO good. I think I could eat just about anything right now because I just ran myself. It is VERY stormy where I am too. Last night was crazy. I honestly wish I could have stayed up all night watching it, but my eyes could barely stay open long enough to watch the lightning once haha!
char eats greens recently must be the new shoes…
Oh my! Those look amazing!!! I have no idea where to get shelled hemp???
These look fantastic. Thanks for sharing!
Those look like a dessert instead of a protein bar healthier snack! YUM!
Tina @ Best Body Fitness recently posted..Fit Bit: One Step
These look great! Will definitely have to try them
Ali recently posted..Note to World
Yum! Thanks for sharing!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..Meal Planning
So yummm! I love anything Peanut Butter! Pinned and tweeted
I’ll be making this after my comp! 

Kierston recently posted..Playlist Thursday: Vacation Songs That Make You Think of Being Someplace Else!
Awesome idea and recipe! Do you think if I replaced the hemp with ground flax that would mess up the taste/consistency? trying to find sneaky ways to get my omegas!
Chris (Personal Trainer Belfast) recently posted..Cat-skinning for fat loss
I love peanut butter and vega. What a wonderful snack recipe! Did you use a plain vega protein powder or a flavoured chocolate one?
Jennifer recently posted..Choc-a-lot chip cookies
Oh my! That’s all I can say ha ha
I have been looking for protein powders so once I make a decision on which to buy I might have to make these HOLY YUM.
Angie @ Losing It and Loving It recently posted..Health and Wellness Programs
Mmmmm…these look mighty tasty!!! Love that magic shell topping

Anna @ On Anna’s Plate recently posted..Boy Is My Face Red
yum yum yum. Bookmarked!
The boys would go nuts over these! I’ve been making quick no bake things for them lately, but they finally got a batch of baked cookies. I was feeling guilty for not baking much for them lately due to the heat. So, since the oven was going to be on for dinner, I went ahead and baked cookies too. These are next on my list to make! They look delicious!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) recently posted..Reflections, Milestones, Memories and Looking Forward…
oh man, these look great! makes me miss peanut butter, I must make these for my mom as she loves PB!
purelymichelle recently posted..getting ready for my wedding (highlights)
Ah, I am so happy you posted this recipe! I just got more vanilla protein powder in the mail yesterday and couldn’t decide what to make with it. Thanks to you I now have a protein treat to make

jessie recently posted..A new beginning…
These look great Nicole!
Brittany recently posted..Farmers Market Roasted Tomato Salad
This is very healthy and delicious sweet.
Debra Baldwin recently posted..Natural Aphrodisiacs for Men to Boost Their Sexual Desire
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