Yesterday I had the farmer’s market and with the heat that got up to 104, it completely wiped me out for the rest of the day. While I really enjoy talking to customers and explaining Pure Bliss Eats to them, I just couldn’t take the heat anymore and had to leave an hour early. I drank a ton of water, had snacks and used ice packs in the cooler to keep cool, but eventually it was just too much. I didn’t want to feel sick or anything, so when I started to really get uncomfortable we packed it in. After a two hour nap I finally felt like I was good enough to do some more work for the day. Blegh, the extreme heat is no fun.
What is fun?
Random Thoughts and Musings.
When I can’t figure out what I want to eat I’ll make a frozen sorbet type meal and top it with loads and loads of granola. I also try and get some shelled hemp in there to make it have some healthy fats and protein. (And no, there is no spinach/kale/anything green in there…but there are chocolate chips.) Looks like this:
Right now we’re flying through season 3 of Sons of Anarchy. Danny and I love getting obsessed with a TV show and just plowing through it. I love this one, but unfortunately I slept through the first 2 seasons (literally) while Danny watched.
Other shows we currently love: White Collar, Suits, Breaking Bad and TrueBlood.
I skipped my morning run this morning because I woke up REALLY hungry. I’ll try to fit it in during the day, but we’ll see. Maybe a rest day?
I feel like I know if I’m having a boy or a girl and in my head I’m pretty sure. I’ll be seriously shocked if I’m wrong…even though I have no basis of knowing besides a “feeling”. But then again I have 3 months left, so my feeling could certainly change.
I really want to make this chickpea salad. And these cocoa chocolate rice crispy treats.
Apparently we weren’t watering our garden enough and it wasn’t doing too well, which made me sad. Now we’re watering 2x a day and keeping my fingers crossed I get something out of it. It probably doesn’t help I go outside everyday and examine every plant.
Although I’m not in a rush and trying to enjoy these last 3 months before Baby C enters the world, I go to bed wondering what this baby looks like…and then I think about how I love silence at bed time…and sleep.
My friend Joanna just got engaged last night to her wonderful boyfriend (now fiance) Dave. I couldn’t be any happier for them. <3 Congrats you two! Danny would like you to move to RVC now. Thanks.
Sometimes when I’m extra busy I forget I’m pregnant.
My heart is happy when blog readers tell me they’ve baked, cooked or made things I post on my blog…like these pb power cookies.
Okay, I think that is the extent of my random thoughts that you can take for the day.
Please share some random thoughts on your mind. Don’t leave me here alone, being all random.

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }
That is really too hot for anybody, much less a pregnant woman to be out in. I’m glad you got some rest and recovered though! Tony and I do the same thing with tv shows. We plowed through Downton Abbey and am so sad I have to wait until January to see the 3rd season! Oh and my garden is the same. I’ve gotten random things here and there from it, but it is definitely not flourishing in this heat! I hope you have a great day Nicole!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) recently posted..Mental Cooking Cleanse…
So cheesy. So true. You will love the lack of silence and the lack of sleep and the crazy days ahead even more.
Miz recently posted..PLAYouts: Doing the sprinkler.
Those PB Power Cookies look amazing. Thanks for sharing that link in your post today.
Katie @wishandwhimsy recently posted..Eat Mindfully. Food is an Experience.
random thought…I’m dying the ends of my hair pink and purple soon.
and the next 3 months will blow by you so quickly…hoping for quiet peaceful nights for you (it CAN happen after baby is here, both my kids were sound sleepers! still are lol and they’re 23 & 16 now)
Tara Burner recently posted..PB Crave Review & Giveaway
Aaah I am obsessed with True Blood! Your frozen sorbet meal looks great
My random thought this morning: I really want to buy pink jeans…
Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic recently posted..Coconut Cheesecake
OMG. Isn’t it exciting!?!?! Even though this is #2, I am already getting giddy at meeting him/her . And I love that we both don’t know what we are having! YAY! I was pretty sure that AJ was a boy all along but didn’t really share my thoughts with anyone – I didn’t want it to seem like I wanted it to be a boy, you know? This time, I’m not so sure – I go back and forth pretty often!!!
Glad you got out of the heat yesterday – I am finding that the only way I can stand being in the obscene heat is by cooling off every so often in the pool. Just too darn hot!!
Michele @ Nycrunningmama recently posted..A Child’s Ability To Empathize
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