Oh sleep. Or lack of. I just spent the past 30 minutes reading every blog I could remember about babies and sleep. It brings me comfort that other babies weren’t sleeping through the night at 11 weeks.
Right now we’ve been doing the dream feed for almost a week. I *think* it’s helping. A couple of weeks ago Liv seemed super awake at night. Danny and I started putting her on the bed (in her room) and letting her play for 10 minutes or so and then we’d swaddle and feed her. Now I’m realizing it’s a habitual wake up to play because she barely eats! So tonight there is no more playing on the bed. We may even try “wake to sleep” from Baby Whisperer. We’ll see where this gets us. We’ve also been feeding her to sleep…another mistake I realize, but I’m only tackling one thing at a time!
So that’s where we are with sleep. I hate to complain because Liv is such a sweet, sweet baby. Even when she’s awake at night, she doesn’t cry. She’s just all smiley..but it’s starting to wear on us. I know I don’t need to say this but I LOVE being a mom. I love being with her all day and everything about it. It’s absolutely a lot of work, but we knew it was going to be like this. We didn’t have unreal expectations, which I think makes it a bit easier. The best piece of advice I could give to a new mom is to find mom friends (IRL or virtual…or even better…BOTH!)
In other news I’ve been keeping up with my workouts. My workouts are done during Liv’s first or second nap of the day. Today it’s the second because I’ve been up since 3:30. I plan on taking a nap today. (It’s HARD to nap. I’m not a good napper.) I started Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30, 3 weeks ago (I think..who knows at this point…) I’m doing it Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I will do a full review of it when I’m done, which won’t be for awhile because I’m starting Tina’s Best Body Bootcamp on Monday (YAY!) I will say, I thought workout 1 was so easy. I was using up to 8 pound weights for most exercises so I moved onto workout 2…and wow. Workout 2 is WAY harder.
When I do Ripped in 30 I’ll usually combine it with a 30 minute incline treadmill walk or once a week I’ll do 30 minutes of yoga (usually Exhale Spa’s Energy Flow.) The other 3 days a week I’ll run 3-4 miles on the treadmill. (Okay run is strong…it’s a run/walk.) For those of you who’ve been asking I DO really like Ripped in 30. It’s less than 30 minutes and gives you a full body workout. I’ll eventually move on from it but I love how short & effective it is.
I’m definitely getting stronger, but I have a LONG way to go from pre-pregnancy (okay even first TRI pregnancy!) I’m up to running 1.2 miles at a time at about 11:30 pace. It’s the slowest I’ve been EVER (besides pregnancy) but I don’t really care. For the first time on Tuesday I started incorporating faster intervals of 6.0 mph.
This post was all over the place, but then again so am I. I thought about not posting at all, but I thought a glimpse into life as a new mom is better than nothing!
Eventually one day I’ll post what our meals look like when you don’t have any time to cook. Hopefully this week, but let’s be serious now.
Thanks for hanging in with me as I adjust to this new schedule! If you have any new mom questions feel free to ask in the comments or email me. I’m up for answering ANYTHING.

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Your doing about as much as I do in terms of exercising and I sure enough have zero childrens to take care of! Your a superwoman!
Erica { EricaDHouse.com } recently posted..Vegetable Medley
I didn’t realize you were doing Bootcamp as well! I’m super excited! I just got a notification from my library that Healthy sleep habits, Healthy child is ready for pickup. I’d like to get some better naps in… We’ll see if that book gives any good tips. The dream feed is super interesting- are you using a bottle or just breastfeeding? The logistics of trying to breastfeed a sleeping baby scare me!
Holly recently posted..Private Selection makes Entertaining Gourmet!
yes! see you in bootcamp!
We use a bottle to dream feed. We lift her out of the crib. I’ve been changing her diaper before the feed, but it has been barely wet so I think tonight I’m not going to change her. We’ve been doing it a week and half the time she starts to cry when I change her diaper so we’ll see if not changing it changes anything.
Eh, we still feed Lila to sleep– that is, she gets a bottle right before bed each night (she doesn’t usually fall asleep during the feeding anymore– although sometimes she does!). Honestly, I don’t think there are any “mistakes” you can make in getting your baby to sleep– you know, other than giving the baby whiskey or something.
Just do whatever works for you– your sleep and hers are the most important thing! It will get easier, I promise.
glad you posted as well! must be frustrating when liv is awake at night especially when she isn’t being fussy, just being happy and a little night owl. whenever i picture babies up at night i picture them wailing, not chillin’ and hanging out, haha. i wonder if she will remain a night owl! i wish you luck and sleep-filled nights!
i’m so glad you’re loving life with liv. and that you are enjoying your post-pregnancy workouts! i’m sure it’s easier to not care about the slower running pace when you have a beautiful bundle of joy to remind you of what your body has done – built an AMAZING human being!
i cannot nap either. i haven’t taken a nap since 3/22/11 – i know this b/c it was my 22nd birthday and i’d just eaten a VERY heavy, greasy lunch haha.
Caitlin recently posted..Floridian Blends
Wow! You are incredible! I know that taking care of yourself and taking care of a little kid all at the same time is extremely difficult. I know because I tried it before and every day is definitely not an easy day. More power to you and blessings to your family.
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