Thursday, April 29, 2010

Potato, Potat-to.

It's Friday! Well not really, it's obviously Thursday, but since I'm not working tomorrow it's like Friday for me. In a few long short hours I will be on my way to NJ to spend the weekend at Danny's parents beach house. I am so excited and can't wait, especially since it's supposed to be a beautiful weekend. I am much looking forward to a 3 day weekend, walks and runs on the beach and waking up to the sound of the ocean. Does it get better than that??

Thanks for sharing what you don't like to share with your sig. others. Don't get me wrong, I love when Danny likes new things I  make him try  bake or cook for him. I love when he likes a vegetable, but there are certain veges I just like to keep for myself, like fresh string beans. I hope that doesn't sound mean! :)

Yesterday I woke up and started my day off with a cup of coffee and a juice. I have so many pears in my fruit drawer from the organic delivery service, so I decided to throw one in, instead of an apple.
how pretty are all of those colors??
this was 1/2 beet, 2 carrots, handful of spinach, 1/2 lemon, piece of ginger, 1 pear

Then I went to work for the last day of the ELA exam. My students and I can breathe deep now, until next week when the math comes up on Wednesday. The math isn't as challenging for them so it's less stressful. 

When I got out of the work I hit up the elliptical at the gym for 30 minutes and then came home to do a yogadownload class. This was a vinyasa class, it wasn't my favorite, but it was still good. By the way, I am very excited about the blog wide yoga challenge Tina and Kate are doing. I can't wait to participate it and share my (pretty) new found love for yoga. (Katie, I know you are saying I told you so, since my sister in law has been telling me this for years now!)

I can't decide what appliance/foods I should bring with me for this weekend. I could go pretty crazy, but I'm going to try to not be extreme. The thing is there isn't that much food there since we haven't all been there since the fall. It certainly isn't stocked up, so I'm thinking I should be bringing some extra food. When I get home from work today I think I'm going to make some hummus and bread to bring at least. 

Remember these?

Well today I thought I'd share the recipe. I saw Gracie from Girl Meets Health make these and she got them from Kath. Kath described them as little pillows and I have to agree. They are SUPER simple and SUPER tasty.  I love how they are cut into circles and browned on both sides.  I cut them into about 1/4-1/2 of an inch thick, arranged them on a cookie sheets, sprayed them with olive oil and sprinkled them with sea salt and pepper.  Then they go into the oven for 30 minutes at 350 degrees, I flipped them and in for another 20 minutes at 400 degrees. 
arrange them...

That's it! Done!

Perfect with any meat or fish...or just by itself!

Shout out to my friend Jackie and her BF who have been making lots of my meals. I love it! Thanks Jack! :)

Have a great day! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my friends Meg and Sam! 

What foods do you pack with you on short vacations or get aways?


Simply Life said...

oh that does look like a great juice! I usually just bring along some fresh fruit and granola bars!

Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen said...

Oh, have fun...I am so jealous! I always pack hummus, breads, cereals and fruit! My husband calls them "hobo snacks", but he is never complaining when we are on the road with them! Have a safe trip!

Christine@Grub, Sweat and Cheers said...

Oh I have some sweet potato that needs something doing with it tonight - I'm going to make those!

I usually end up packing a ton of snacks for my girls but nothing more elaborate than trail mix and fruit for myself. We are doing a HUGE road trip in a couple weeks though so I'm going to have to get inventive about things!

Hope you have a lovely long weekend!

*Andrea* said...

LOVE sweet potatoes but i can never cut them into circles!! my knife must be too dull?? said...

i am taking tomorrow off too! getting sub plans ready is a pain but the long weekend is lovely-enjoy yourself!

healthyexposures said...

I tried these recently, too - gahhhh, they are so. fan. tastic. I couldn't even believe it. I wish they could be made faster! haha
HAve a great weekend - you SO deserve it!

Kelly @ Healthy Living With Kelly said...

My mom used to make us sweet potato chips all the time when we were kids! This post definitely made me smile!

pegasuslegend said...

these looks great I would love to just snack on these, I bring sweet potatoes for lunch all the time one of my fav's, just sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar.....

Stacy said...

These look delicious! Have a great weekend!

Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) said...

love the cheetahs! great work on those!
and beets in juice...yum! however juicer cleanup sucks and i rarely if ever even juice anymore...sigh.

Megan D said...

Can't wait to try that method of cooking sweet potatoes! They are easily my favorite food so I'm assuming I'll be a fan :)

peacelovenutrition said...

Isn't Yoga amazing?! Love all those pretty colors in your juice!

megan said...

Thank you Cole! Enjoy the weekend. This weather is AMAZING :)

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